En un antiguo cuarto de baño cambiamos las instalaciones modernizandolas y sustituyendo la bañera por una ducha a ras de suelo, además de el inodoro lo sustituimos por uno suspendido con la cisterna integrada en la pared.
El cambio de imagen es total con el nuevo revestimiento ceramico en dos colores blanco y negro, elegidos por el cliente.
Into a former bathroom we change the facilities them modernizing and changing the tub into a shower to evenness of soil, besides the watercloset we replace it with one suspended with the cistern integrated to the wall. The change of image is total with the new ceramic coating in two colors white and black, chosen for the client.
Into a former bathroom we change the facilities them modernizing and changing the tub into a shower to evenness of soil, besides the watercloset we replace it with one suspended with the cistern integrated to the wall. The change of image is total with the new ceramic coating in two colors white and black, chosen for the client.
Este es el aspecto del baño anterior a las obras.
This one is the aspect of the bath previous to the works.
Retiramos el revestimiento de la pared y suelo.
We withdraw the coating of the wall and soil.
We refill the hollows in the wall.
Construimos un tabique separando la zona de ducha del resto del cuarto de baño.
We construct a partition separating the zone of shower of the rest of the bathroom.
Construimos las pendientes para recogida de las aguas de la ducha e impermeabilizamos la zona.
We construct the slopes for withdrawal of the waters of the shower and waterproof the zone.
Preparado para recibir el revestimiento cerámico.We construct the slopes for withdrawal of the waters of the shower and waterproof the zone.
Prepared to receive the ceramic coating.
Cortamos el suelo de la entrada para ajustan con el nuevo revestimiento.
We cut the soil of the entry for they fit with the new coating.
Preparamos las nuevas instalaciones para el wc y la ducha bidé.We cut the soil of the entry for they fit with the new coating.
We prepare the new facilities for the wc and the shower bidet.
Asi como las instalaciones electricas para iluminación y tomas de corriente varias.
This way as the electrical facilities for lighting and different sockets.
This way as the electrical facilities for lighting and different sockets.
Realizamos el revestimiento de la pared y el suelo respetando las preferencias del cliente.
We realize the coating of the wall and the soil respecting the preferences of the client.
We realize the coating of the wall and the soil respecting the preferences of the client.
Colocamos el suelo. We place the soil.
Rellenamos las juntas entre las piezas cerámicas con junta color gris oscuro.
We refill the meetings between the ceramic pieces with united dark gray color.
Instalamos un toallero radiador, una ducha bidé, lavabo con mueble suspendido y cajonera con freno, espejo e iluminación sobre este y tres focos orientables en el techo, pintamos el techo.
We install a towel rack radiator, one douches bidet, wash basin with suspended furniture and booth with brake, mirror and lighting on this one and three adjustable points of light in the ceiling, we paint the ceiling.
We install a towel rack radiator, one douches bidet, wash basin with suspended furniture and booth with brake, mirror and lighting on this one and three adjustable points of light in the ceiling, we paint the ceiling.
Limpiamos todo. We clean all.
Resumen de antes y después. Before and after.
Y trabajo terminado..
Damos las gracias a Ed por confiarnos este trabajo.
And finished work.. We give them thanks to Ed for entrusting to us this work.